Once again its been awhile since I have updated our blog. I just keep thinking that

there isn't much to put on it so I keep putting it off, but a couple of weeks ago I was trying out my new computer and I was playing with Photobooth and I got Lynn, Sydney and Karlie to play with me so I thought that I would put a couple of pictures on the blog so everyone can share the fun. The Pheasant Hunt starts tomorrow so Lynn and his family is coming

out and Dad, Mclayne, Patrick Arko and I are going to go out to Hickens Pheasant Farm to see what we can get into, Hopefully a couple of Pheasants. Dad and I went fishing with Dad's friend Dean Brough the other day, it was fun to get out and

fish again, it had been awhile,

dad and I both caught a pretty nice sized rainbow trout, about 17 inches long. I sure would of liked to catch more of them. I guess we will have to go back and try again some day soon. Well I better run but I will try to do better. The next big event for Tracie and I - going to Mississippi for Kelli and Kaleb's wedding and Thanksgiving. Love Y'all and goodbye for now.