Well once again it has been awhile since I have taken some time to fill y'all in on what has been going on in the life of Ryan and Tracie. We went to Mississippi for Thanksgiving this year, it was a good visit. Kelli got married on the 15th of November so we were able to attend the wedding, it was a good

ceremony. Thanksgiving was good, they really go all out with the food, we had enough food to feed an army. The day after Thanksgiving Jason and I went to Starkville Mississippi to watch the Mississippi State - Ole Miss football game, Jason had a Special Assignment there, he is on Honor Guard and they posted the Colors at the start of the game so he was able to get me a ticket, that was fun. Since it is so close to Christmas I will keep this one short and do this again after the big day. I hope Y'all have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.