After I helped Dad put up his swamp cooler, it was time for Tracie and I to go and get cooled of ourselves. We had some friends call us and ask if we wanted to go boating with them. It was fun, we went out to Bottle Hollow and played in the water. Tracie tried to water ski and knee board, she was getting the hang of it, she was so close, next time we go she will be a pro and will be boarding all over the place. I knee boarded for a minute but it made my knees hurt so I thought that I would try to wakeboard even though I didn't think I could do it but miracles do happen, some how I was able to get up (for only a few seconds though) and then I would meet the water pretty hard. We sure had a good time and look forward to our next trip the lake.
Well I guess this is what we get for complaining that it is starting to get hot. Dad went and bought a new swamp cooler to replace the one that already was on the house because it was getting old and worn out. It wasn't the chore that I thought it was going to be, we had quite the little system, we turned the scaffolding into a ladder and lifted it from one level to the next until we got to the top. We had Mason climbing up and down bringing us things that we had forgotten down below, I think he liked climbing the scaffolding. Now after a hard day of working on miscellaneous projects Mom and Dad can go and relax in a nice cool house.
Hello all, I'm a little behind once again. I just thought that I would post a couple of pictures of Mom and Dad on their first camping trip with their new trailer. Alawna and her kids went with them and Sydney and Ian also, Lynn was out playing in the API golf tournament with Kary and Mclayne. Lynn and I rode to have dinner with them and then came back. I'm sure glad that Mom and Dad got this trailer, it will be nice for them to be able to pull it up the canyon and relax a little.