Hello all, I thought that I would take some time to let you know how our trip to Boise went. Tracie and I drove to Salt Lake on Tuesday night to try to cut our trip down a little on Wednesday, we got a room at the Red Lion and our room just happened to be under the "Sky Club" so we could hear the beat of the music for half of the night. Wednesday we got up and ate breakfast and then headed to Boise, it took us about 5 hours to drive from Salt Lake, it really wasn't that bad of a trip. On our way Jason called and said that the plane they were suppose to come on was delayed so he would be getting in later than first planned, well it ended up being 3 hours late, so Tracie and I had to find something to do to waste time so we found the Sierra Trading Post Outlet (sells outdoors stuff) and

looked around there for awhile, lots of nice things to buy just not things that we needed right then. Well we also found a Cabelas, I needed to get a couple of things so that I could go Muzzleloader Deer hunting on Saturday so we went and walked around and I bought some Black Powder, Bullets and some new Binoculars, I have been wanting some new binoculars for a long time so Tracie and I broke down and bought me a pair. When Jason got into

town we met him at his hotel and we went out on the town, Boise is a nice place but not very vistitor friendly, it is easy to get lost, we rode around for about an hour trying to find the mall because it seemed to have all of the food places around it, finally we found Lonestar about 15 minutes before they closed, so we went in and had a steak. Thursday we just kind of hung out, It was good to see Jason and be able to hang out with him, we seem to have a real good time when we are all together. Jason had to leave with the team at 3:30 pm so we said our goodbyes. Tracie and I went to the game (Jason got us tickets) it was fun, University of Southern Mississippi got their tail whooped. After the game Jason flew out with the

team and Tracie and I stayed in Boise. Friday morning we got up and headed for home, our trip home lasted about 7 hours, it wasn't as bad of a drive as everyone made it sound, Tracie and I had a real good time, it made it worth the trip to see Jason, even if it was only for a few hours.
I liked the travelogue. Glad that you had a good time. We looked for you on TV, no such luck. We did see Jason though, looking official.
How crazy! I did see some southern fans at one time...didn't see you though. My sister and her family were at the game too. They live in Boise. Wayne (Bro n Law) is a cop there and has season tickets. I didn't see them either...even though was on the phone with them alot. It's always nice to see family! Miss you!
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