Tracie finally returned home after being away for two weeks, boy is it hard to have her gone that long. I guess I just take it
for granted that she is always around when I need to see or be
around her. Well I went and picked her u

p at the airport, after her plane arrived at 2:00 a.m. ( 3 hours late ) It is good to have her home. On the way home we stopped by Cabelas because I wanted to look at their Flyrods - just look - well looking turned into purchasing. I ended up buying a new Sage flyrod and a Cabelas brand reel. I guess we will just call it an early Anniversary present. Well of course now I have a new rod I needed to see if it works. Friday morning I got up and drove to Vernal to go fishing with one of my friends that I play softball with, his In - Laws own some land on the Ashley Creek above Vernal. We fished for about 2 hours and I caught 3 good sized Browns and had another on that ended up getting off. Well I'm glad to report that the new Flyrod works.
Nice fish Ryan and I love the blog. Keep up the good work because I check all the time!!
Pictures look great T! Great job. Some sexy boys must have had a hand in that camera work! :) Also...freeze that fish ryan and send it our way. We're hungry!
p.s. Nice o-wange bracelet. :)
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